What should I do if otitis media occurs frequently?

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  • Source:Jabra Hearing Aids

When it comes to the disease of otitis media, I believe that many friends with otitis media have heard of it in their daily lives, and are also deeply affected by otitis media. Otitis media is easy to relapse, causing otitis media patients to suffer greatly.

What should I do if otitis media occurs frequently?

Otitis media is easy to relapse repeatedly. Because many patients with otitis media are usually busy with work and study, they hope to put off treatment, so as to save a lot of money. In fact, this approach is very stupid, and it will only make it more difficult to treat later.

What should I do if otitis media keeps recurring?
1. Provide a good environment so that patients can rest comfortably and fully. Clear your bowels and raise your head and neck as high as possible when sleeping to reduce ear congestion and relieve pain.
2. Strengthen physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, and prevent colds. Do a good job in preventing various infectious diseases. Diseases such as upper respiratory tract infections should be actively treated.
3. People with tympanic membrane perforation or tympanic tube insertion should avoid swimming and other activities that may cause water to enter the tympanic cavity, and phenolphthalein oil dripping is prohibited.
4. Clear the pus in the external auditory canal promptly, learn the correct method of ear drops, and insist on taking medication.

To prevent chronic otitis media, you should pay attention to strengthening your own exercise, try to avoid colds, and avoid water in the ear canal and random picking of the ear canal. Both children and adults need to pay attention to prevention. If an acute cold is not treated in time, it can induce otitis media.

The middle ear system is the second respiratory system. If this system is affected by nasal diseases and is not treated properly in time, it can easily lead to the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the middle ear system and poor Eustachian tube function. and other problems, which can lead to otitis media. In addition, patients with otitis media should avoid bathing in dirty environments and avoid contact with pollutants.

Otitis media is a common otological disease. Because we are familiar with the disease, we sometimes ignore the treatment of the disease because we think otitis media is not a serious disease, and sometimes we ignore it. It can still be cured, but this is not the case. Treatment of otitis media is very necessary.

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